
All Members (862)

New clusters


The I'MRC Forum held at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in Surabaya on November 22, 2018 has agreed to establish 5 research clusters, namely Renewable Energy (Coordinators: Prof. Arshad Ahmad and Prof. Adi Soeprijanto), Humanities and Culture (Coordinators: Prof. Syed Ahmad Iskandar Syed Ariffin and Prof. Suyono), Biomedicine and Health (Coordinators: Assoc. Prof. Teguh Haryo Sasongko and Prof. Agus Rubiyanto), STEM kits (Coordinators: Prof. Datuk Dr. Halimaton Hamdan and Dr. Markus Diantoro), and Disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management (Coordinators: Prof. Zulkifli Yusop and Dr. Amien Widodo). 

How to register

Thank you for your participation! The program will be headed by a coordinator based on academic disciplines or projects.

Step by Step Guide: How to Sign Up for the I'MRC


Hadi Nur